
Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file
Psalm 91 Psalm 91 2017-01-01
He Is Worthy Revelation 5:1-7 2016-12-25
What, on Earth, Will Be In Heaven? Revelation 5:1-14 2016-12-18
An Open Door Revelation 4:1 2016-11-20
God Uses it for Good Romans 8:28 2016-11-13
Post Traumatic Stress Management Philippians 3:7-15 2016-11-06
God's Word Is Our Authority 1 Kings 13 2016-10-30
We Are Known by the Father Psalm 139 2016-10-23
Warning of Halloween 1 Peter 2:18-25 2016-10-16
God's Word, Our Authority Mark 10:13-17 2016-10-07
He is Greater Romans 1:1-7 2015-04-05
Righteousness Exalteth a Nation Proverbs 14:34 2015-03-29
Thanksgiving Psalm 100 2015-03-08
1Corinthians 14 2015-03-01
Power of Repentance Proberbs 1:20-33 2015-02-22
You can't keep a good man down Proverbs 24:16 2015-02-15
Speech of God Psalm 19 2015-02-15
Things I find Fascinating Exodus 16 2015-02-08
Going to Church Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 2015-02-01
His Word 2 Timothy 3:16 2015-01-25