
Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file
Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Revelation 19:11-16
Sent to Preach Luke 9:1-17 2020-05-03
Shining, Saving, & Sending Luke 8:16-56 2020-04-19
Parable of the Sower Luke 8:1-15 2020-04-12
Jesus Ministry To The Saved & The Lost Luke 7:19 2020-04-05
Raising People From Sin, Sickness, & Death Luke 7:1-18 2020-03-29
Flesh Verses Spirit Galatians 3:2-3 2020-03-22
Commands and Commentary Luke 6:27-49 2020-03-15
Our Healing Lord Luke 6:12-36 2020-03-08
Pharisaical Madness Luke 6:1-11 2020-03-01
New Wine in Old Bottles Luke 5:27-39 2020-02-23
A Bed That Carried A Man Luke 5:16-26 2020-02-16
Leprosy Healed Luke 5:12-16 2020-02-09
Fishers of Men Luke 5:1-11 2020-02-02
Ministry at Capernaum Luke 4:31-44 2020-01-26
Hometown Ministry Luke 4:14-30 2020-01-19
The Power of His Word Luke 4 2020-01-12
The Ministry of John the Baptist Luke 3 2020-01-05
Early Childhood of Jesus Luke 2:41-52 2019-12-29
A Sign To Shepherds Luke 2:1-21 2019-12-22