
Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file
God's Perfect Timing Luke 1:26-45 2012-12-23
Preparing the Way Luke 3:1-17 2012-12-16
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:59-80 2012-12-09
Prophesies of the Messiah Jeremiah 33:14-18 2012-12-02
The Conquest of Jericho Joshua 6 2012-11-25
Crossing the Jordan Joshua 4 2012-11-18
Faith to Faith Joshua 2 2012-11-11
Living By Faith Numbers 13:26-33 2012-10-21
Stirred to Serve Exodus 32:1-8; 35:4-6,10,21-22; 36:5-6 2012-10-14
The Ten Commandments (Part 2) Exodus 20 2012-09-30
The Ten Commandments (Part 1) Exodus 19:1-6 2012-09-23
Problems Build Faith Exodus 16:1-8 2012-09-09
The People Feared The LORD, And Believed Exodus 14 2012-09-02
Harden Not Your Heart and Be Saved by the Blood Exodus 7:3-5, 10-13, 20-23 / 8:15, 18-19, 22-23, 27 2012-08-26
Faith Cometh By Hearing Exodus 5 2012-08-12
Rely On God Exodus 2:11 - 3:22 2012-08-05
Families: Friend or Foe Genesis 37:12-36 2012-07-08
Disfunctional Families Genesis 37:1-11 2012-07-01
Tribulation Worketh Patience Genesis 29:15-30 2012-06-24
The Importance of the Word of God Genesis 25:29-34 2012-06-17