
Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file
Work of a Christian 2 Timothy 2 2013-04-17
Sheep John 10 2013-04-03
Authority Psalm 12 2013-03-27
Jesus Wept John 11:33-44 2013-03-20
Moses Endured by Faith in God Hebrews 11:24-29 2013-03-06
Jason Dover: They Have No Knowledge . . . Tell Ye Isaiah 45:20-22 / 1 Corinthians 15:34 / Ezekiel 33:1-9 2013-02-27
Mark Bailey: Helping Hands Ministries Matthew 28:18-20 / Acts 2:41-46; 4:31-35; 6:1-4; 11:26-30 2013-02-20
Judgment of False Prophets 2 Peter 2:1-10 2013-02-13
Finish the Job Acts 1:1-8 2013-02-06
A Foundation In Truth Jude 1:20-21 2013-01-23
Righteous Living Jude 1:1-10 2013-01-16
The Rage of the Nations Psalm 2 2013-01-09
How We Listen Matthew 13:1-23 2013-01-02
Uniquely Created Psalm 139:11-18 2012-12-26
Fellowship With God 2 Timothy 2:24-26 2012-12-19
The Virgin Birth Matthew 1:18-25 2012-12-12
Blessed Be Psalm 68:19 2012-12-05
Giving to God Exodus 3:1-11 2012-11-28
Thankful to be Enabled to Serve 1 Timothy 1 2012-11-21
Misinterpretation of: Judge Not Matthew 7:1-2 2012-11-14